In conjunction with petrographic examinations and other laboratory tests, we also do the following physical testing of construction materials on as-needed basis:
Compressive strengths, e.g., ASTM C 42 for concrete
In situ strength testing by Impact Hammer
Cold and Boiling-Water Absorption and Saturation Coefficient of Masonry Units (e.g., ASTM C 67)
Cold-Water Absorption of Dimension Stones (ASTM C 97)
Density, Absorption, Specific gravity and Volumes of Permeable Voids (ASTM C 642)
Length Change Measurements with a Digital Length Comparator (ASTM C 157) to Determine Length Changes Due to Controlled Shrinkage or Expansions
Length Change Measurements of Cement-Aggregate Combinations During Accelerated Expansion Tests due to Alkali-Silica Reactions of Mortar Bars (e.g., ASTM C 1260, ASTM C 1567) or Concrete Prisms (ASTM C 1293)
Length Change Measurements of Rock Prisms for Alkali-Carbonate Reactions (ASTM C 586)